Sunday, February 22, 2009

This Little Piggy...

...almost didn't make it to see next week. Laura noticed that one of Billings' toes was looking a little puffy this morning. On closer inspection, a long hair had gotten wound around it and been there long enough to cut into his ever-growing toe.

It's already looking better after pulling the hair off this morning so we won't have to explain how we let one of our child's toes fall off.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Aunt Nancy and Uncle Kirk in Town

 Billings was treated to a visit from his Aunt and Uncle up from ATL, heart of the dirty South. You can see here that he was sad to see them go today. It's been a big week with some good weight gain, more smiles here and there, and tears that come out when he cries...IF he cries, and he never would (see photo).
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